Sorry it took so long to write but I have had a very busy and adventurous week. Last Tuesday I hit the 31 week mark. That morning I had a follow-up with my specialist and a regular appointment the next day with my OB. I did not receive the greatest news....
My amnio fluid levels were somewhat low according to the sono, so I was ordered to drink a ton of water to try and get the levels back up. Usually it is due to dehydration, but I had also gotten this terrible cold, which might effect it. If the levels do not go up, something else is wrong. I go back tomorrow AM to see if they improved, and if they did not, then I will discuss what is going on with my OB on Wed. She is also still a very breech baby. I have two more week tomorrow for her to move and then my doctor and I will discuss my options, which I imagine is a c-section.
Then I had my regular check-up with my OB and something else is going on. My uterus (fundal measurements) have more or less stalled. Due to this with the low amnio level I have been qualified as a high risk pregnancy with a risk to deliver early. He said my measurement could improve if my fluid levels go up. This may be the reason she has not flipped as well. Not as much to flip in. Also, my BH contractions have been hurting and those may improve. In other words, I need to get my fluid levels up.
I guess my biggest fear at this point is going on bedrest (other than early delivery). If that is the case, then I will lose up to half of my maternity leave to sitting on my butt. Also, my mom and dad may not be here if they have to deliver early. I need her to cook some more!!!
For the fun news....I had my first shower on Wed. after work. The ladies at my office threw the most amazing gorgeous shower. I got such incredible stuff. I am truly blessed to work with such an amazing group of people. Annaleigh is going to be the most stylish baby in town!
As the week progressed I learned that I gave my husband, my mother-in-law, and a co-worker my cold. Aren't I nice. Bad thing is they are all still terribly sick and I got over mine in two days. I think maybe the vitamins and he constant water flushed it out of my system. I feel so bad about getting everyone sick. Over the weekend I rested and tried to get some well-needed rest. Like the doctor wanted me to. I hope that work is not so nutty this week so I can do the same throughout the week.
Well, I go back to the doc in the morning and I will get an update on here by Wednesday at the latest. Hopefully it is really good news. Please pray for my little one, as well as my uterus and fluid levels. I need it to get bigger and full of more fluids!
Below was the 31 week update and I will post the 32 week update tomorrow.
31 weeks!
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