Saturday, December 27, 2008

My final weekend.....

Well, here we are at our final weekend on our own. Justin is working this weekend, but we are going to spend one more afternoon and night together by ourselves on Sunday. It is very surreal to know that in two days our child will forever be a part of this home. My parents came over yesterday and are staying until tomorrow morning. Justin is at work right now, but will be off tonight.

I went to get the fetal non-stress test yesterday and the little one looked great. It would stop registering her heartbeat for a few seconds every now and then, because she did not like the monitor on her at all. She kept trying to move away from it. I am glad we went into L&D yesterday for that, because the nurse gave us a ton of information about what the process was going to be. She also told us to get there at 5 AM instead of 6, because they will need the extra time. They are all super nice up there and really made me feel better about the C-section stuff. Now I just need to talk to the anesthesiologist about what we are doing, either the spinal or the combination spinal/epidural.

Justin and I are getting more and more excited about holding her. Justin said he just can't wait to rock her. He is so excited. I do hate that I may not get to hold her right away because of the spinal, but with the baby being breech, I really do not have much of a choice. I am also starting to get really nervous about the surgery aspect of having my baby, but I know that people do it all the time and I have nothing to worry about. It just happens to be my first major surgery pressure. I also know it is going to totally be worth it to see my little angel and hold her.

Well off to continue watch my brother and dad rock out on Guitar Hero World Tour. I will be back for a final post for a while tomorrow. I imagine I will not be sleeping much tomorrow night.


The Old Lady said...

I'll keep checking for news and praying for you and the little one!

Lindsay said...

We're praying that everything goes well tomorrow! Love you guys!