Well, this was not a great week on my end. I have not felt well at all and it is taking much longer to get better than I had planned. On Tuesday, they confirmed a sinus infection and got me some antibiotics. That has more or less cleared up.
Then on Thursday I noticed that I was getting the symptoms of every girls' favorite kind of infection. Needless to say, I was already on antibiotics, so the treatment has not changed. However, I still am feeling bad.....I have downed two jugs of cranberry juice and have been limited to Tylenol only. I do feel better, but not by much. I am calling the doc in the morning to see if there needs to be a change in the antibiotic. I am still able to do some stuff around the house, but I mostly want to watch TV or relax. I am just worn out enough.
Yesterday we had to take Justin to urgent care because he got a stomach bug in the middle of the night and we all think it was a small bout of food poisoning. He had not slept 5 total minutes on Friday night, so he slept some during the day on Saturday. He is feeling better, but now we just need to get me going.
With all this, our little girl is still doing fine. She is kicking and moving like nothing is wrong. Except that the cranberry juice is so sugary I am making her very hyper this weekend! Sorry little one :o)
Hopefully I will get an answer from the doc tomorrow and we can determine what to do next.
Things are not awful, but could better. So for all you girls out there, any suggestions for helping with my discomfort would be greatly appreciated!
Poor baby. I landed in the hospital with kidney stones while I was pregnant and there's nothing worse than feeling terrible and being told that you can't really do much about it.
I took lots of warm baths and went swimming while I was pregnant. It won't really make a difference to the infections, but it does take some pressure off your joints and back for a little while and that in itself can be a pretty big relief.
I hope you feel better soon!
I second the notion on the swimming for comfort. Give me four years and I might have some medical advice. ;) I hope you feel better soon!
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