Monday, June 9, 2008

10 weeks pregnant tomorrow!

My first post!!!
On the baby front:

Only 2 more weeks and I am out of the first trimester and in the safe zone for this pregnancy. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I hope to hear the heartbeat. I have been very lucky so far, as I have not had any morning sickness. I am having the tender chest and extreme fatigue and in the last week or so, and my clothes are a little tighter in the waist. All very normal stuff. Since I was supposed to be at trial this week for work and I do not have to go now, it has been really nice getting to rest when I feel like I need to.

So far, I have been very blessed to have a very easy pregnancy to date. However, I know that could change in a heartbeat.

On the home front:

In other parts of my life, my dear husband, Justin had his bottom wisdom teeth removed this morning. He had to get stitches and everything. As we speak, he is lying in bed on some strong pain meds.

Justin is also off this weekend so we plan on unpacking a few more boxes this weekend. Maybe the future nursery will be a few boxes lighter by Sunday. That would be wonderful!

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